Coronavirus COVID-19 UPDATE
Updated as of 3/19/2020
We here at Kalani Consulting, Inc. are committed to supporting our customers and business colleagues during this unprecedented COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic. The Coronavirus outbreak has left businesses across the country and the world scrambling to minimize operational disruptions, continue to provide quality support, and effectively communicate the latest health information to employees, customers, and business colleagues. We are keeping a close and constant watch on the growing lists and patterns of affected customers, localities, and population groups to leverage our resources as effectively and efficiently as possible. KCI remains committed to keeping our employees, customers, and communities posted on what we're doing. We are committed to keeping you informed as to how you can best continue to work with us during this stressful time. Above all, KCI places your health and the health of our employees, their families, and the communities we live in as our top business priority. To achieve this priority goal, KCI has implemented the following policies and actions during the duration of the Coronavirus Pandemic:
We have enacted a no-business travel policy for our employees. The only exception is that travel which is specifically designated by a Government customer as being mission critical. We are requesting our Government customers to keep the number of KCI employees involved to an absolute minimum. This no-business travel policy includes attendance at any large meetings or events where the risk of inadvertent exposure is high.
We have implemented procedures for our employees who normally work on-site with our customers to seek approval from those customers to telework or work remotely.
To reduce the risk of infection or exposure to Coronavirus through person-to-person contact, we have implemented mechanisms and processes for our employees to work with you via video conference, web meetings, phone conferences, email, and text.
We have communicated our strong encouragement of self-quarantine as a pre-cautionary measure if an employee or household member believes they have been exposed or potentially exposed to Coronavirus. This may be precipitated by situations where family members are sent home because suspected contact has occurred at their school or place of business.
KCI employees have been given access to Government sponsored information and have been directed to follow the health and hygiene guidelines issued by the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and their local/regional governments.
We understand that implementation of the policies and actions listed above may adversely impact our ability to respond to your needs and inquiries with the same speed as you have experienced prior to the Coronavirus outbreak. We ask for your patience and support as we continue to monitor and adapt to the changing conditions of the Coronavirus Pandemic. As new policies and/or procedures are enacted, we will continue to keep you informed of the implementation of these additional operational policies and procedures. As we work with you to address the Coronavirus outbreak, we offer the lesson of a Hawaiian proverb – “Pūpūkahi i holomua,” which roughly translates to “By working together we make progress. We all need to stay on track in order to get to where we want to be.” Mahalo no kou kākoʻo! (Thank you for your support!) "Ho'oulu kekahi i kekahi - Growing and uplifting one another"